To big things happened. A. We finally got our new gaming table set up and in to a playable condition with lots of buildings and terrain details. B. We started a new campaign. It is about some some misteroius screaming eldar
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Time. Hours. Too little… Anyway, after a stormy February with lots to do and to manage, it looks as though there might be more time for WH40K ahead. Our gaming board is still waiting to be finished, and there are a warlock
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So, falls sich jemand wundern sollte, ich habe mal damit angefangen, die Rausina-Artikel in die chronologisch korrekte Abfolge zu bringen. Dies geschieht, indem man das Publikationsdatum editiert. Ich habe dabei versucht, darauf zu achten, daß kein Artikel aus Versehen vor dem tatsächlich
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OK, we are a bit behind with our battle reports. Actually, it is more complicated than that: Some of the younger ones are already finished but not published yet, while some of the older ones are not even anywhere near that stage.
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Due to TWA’s current schedule, only one Rausina date per weekend is scheduled at the moment. But last weekend, by chance, there were two dates again: On Friday HannY cancelled, and TWA and I played a round of BFG alone. And when
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The avid reader will by now see the story unfold, as more and more games are played, more and more posts are written, and more background information on the characters is being revealed. Sometime soon we intend to post a map of
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Phew, what a weekend! Hardly any sleep, because we were never in bed before 0100 (rather always around 0400…). And why? Because we made HISTORY, at least in our Rausina campaign. It all started quite harmlessly with a space battle (we wanted
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…but now again: We have moved and have already unpacked most of the things. There is still a lot to do, but we can already live in the new flat, and also play and paint! Tonight Hanni is coming over, and then
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Since Christmas, Doro and I have been pursuing the GW hobby again. This blog will deal with everything to do with our 40k commitment. Have fun! Deutsch: Seit Weihnachten betreiben Doro und ich wieder das GW Hobby. Diese Blog wird sich mit
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