Squad Profile – 4th Company, 2nd Squad – Tactical Marines

This is the first of a series of squad profiles for the Iron Hands Successor Chapter, Scions of the Forge!

2nd Squad, headed by Veteran Sergeant Rangel Mesen. They are one of the most venerable units within the chapter, having proven their mettle against xenos, witches and heretics alike. Their stay within the 4th Company hasn’t been uneventful, and their ranks are currently impacted as dramatically as most of the Chapter. Losses across different squads required a thorough reorganization of the combat units, reducing the squad sizes to five. Four of the current members of the squad are originally 2nd Squad, while the fifth member is a new arrival brought over from the 5th squad after the unit was reduced to only a couple of men during a confrontation with Death Guard heretics.

Their specialty is close combat engagements, usually using an armored APC of the STC Razorback variant to get them close to their destination before they disembark to unleash their traditional loadout, which consists of Flamers primarily.

Most in the unit have been caught in conflagrations or maimed in battle, requiring extensive surgical replacements. A highlight of their career involved breaking the front line of an Ork Waaagh, permitting a squad of First Company Terminators to deploy via Teleportarium past them to engage the warlord. Ork Waaagh, permitting a squad of First Company Terminators to deploy via Teleportarium past them to engage the warlord.

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