Rausina 14: Konvoi to Rausina
It was suppossed to be a fast and save flight. How should the forces of malign have detected the small convoy? It was nothing with a bis signature in there. Just an old light cruiser ST NENOYA and a handfull of escort
The 40K Grim Darkness of the Far Future in the Gemstone Reaches
It was suppossed to be a fast and save flight. How should the forces of malign have detected the small convoy? It was nothing with a bis signature in there. Just an old light cruiser ST NENOYA and a handfull of escort
This guy already played a brief role in our Rausina campaign and was used during the ConflictX in Berlin. He is Inquisitor Lucius personal battle conveyance produced by the venerable Forgeworld Yasin in the Gemstone Reaches. This forge has been sealed of
Und mit der luftverlastbaren imperialen Bastion für die Planetaren Invasionen bastel ich auch noch an den Häusern aus einer Imperialen Sektor Box. Hier war auch die Frage wie viele Strukturen bekomme ich aus dieser einen Kiste gebaut. Dabei sollte es auch nicht
In einem Anfall von Bastelwahn hab ich nun eine Aegis Defence Line und eine Imperial Bastion gebaut. Während die Aegis Linie ja ein nettes kleines Geländeteil ist, besonders kaufenswert dank des hydraesken Vierlings, ist die Bastion ein echter Knaller. Diese hier is
A lonely desert world with no major settlements. The few resilient survivors of this frontier world eke out a living by hunting for pre-Heresy relics in the concentric cities scattered across every continent and dried-up sea basin of Nizinite. These are descendants
“Tzeentch misled the enemy as to our strength! Slaanesh seduced them to strike without thinking! Khorne led us to spill their blood! Nurgle will fester in their wound and open the it for the glory of chaos undiveded to spread though the
Spilling blood on the ground is a satisfying act, a tribute to the Lord Khorne in all His Glory. The Warmaster, too, would soon partake in this unholy celebration. However, the time for such indulgence had not yet arrived. The remaining Chaos
Red haired, stern looking, but quite beautiful behind her hard face.Blue green eyes and a first bit of fattening hanging on her angularjarr. Not much, just enough to show that she is not young anymore.Since she does not pay much attention on
We got them by suprise. What utter and delightful chaos. The fools were shooting at ech other. We hit the fleeing corpse emperor right in the lower back! And we hit them a few minutes later straight from the side! It paid
This can not be happening. They mistake us, why do they fire? Why? We are just trying to get to them! I do not want to die, my troops do not want to die. Maybe the perimeter defense is just uninformed. Oh