After my guardsmen, I painted my Swooping Hawks back then. It took me a miserably long time to paint each tiny little gem individually and completely but for that I am still proud of this unit today. Note also the tiddly details
This morning I have used the sunshine, and with the good light pictures of my troops made, so that finally times what appears in our gallery. Let’s see if I now have to write a separate post for each picture… Here you
What’s on my painting table at the moment? Apart from Arisa, who I’m always working on in between, I’m currently painting five phantom droids, which will increase the number of already painted and deployed droids to the target of ten, because then
courtesy of the Herald Tribune What you find on the newspapers we paint on: Various designs for gemstones to decorate my phantom droids. And because everyone is supposed to get a different one (as far as 30 is still possible), we try
Somehow the Eldar figures from GW show a remarkable lack of female models. OK, there is the one-in-four female torso in the Guradians box (Actually, is it the same in the Dire Avengers box?), and yes, there are the Banshees, all female
…the legs already have this lightness! Arisa is my (almost) first attempt at working with GreenStuff. Well, I admit that I’ve already dismantled and rebuilt a guardsman for practice, because I’ve got enough on hand. Arisa is based on a character idea
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