A lonely desert world with no major settlements. The few resilient survivors of this frontier world eke out a living by hunting for pre-Heresy relics in the concentric cities scattered across every continent and dried-up sea basin of Nizinite. These are descendants
“Clinohumite is a planet of Terran size and serves as the capital of the Rumagen Trinket, a region within the Gemstone Reaches. It is a bleak, withering Hiveworld of monumental proportions, characterized by its distinct religious caste system rooted in a unique
The Axinite System was formerly known as the ‘Entrance to the Reaches.’ This title persisted until a significant shift in trade routes and the downfall of the de Reut family’s fortunes. The de Reuts were the principal proprietors of a trading consortium
The Garnet System is renowned for two places of special note. Garnet, the system’s namesake, is a massive gas giant that is mined by scooper ships from 14 different moons out of the three dozen surrounding it. Noble Houses own extensive portions
Lothar is a breathtaking Paradise World located near the pinnacle of the Glittering Tiara, a region renowned for its natural beauty and serene landscapes. What truly distinguishes this world is its unwavering commitment to democracy and the preservation of its pristine environment.
Near Opal, in the heart of the Rummagen Trinket, lies the Daks System. Daks III is a post-apocalyptic world that is just beginning to emerge from its wasteland state with the assistance of the Tech-Priests from Opal. Among the migrating wasteland barbarians,
Opal, a renowned Forge World nestled deep within the expansive Gemstone Reaches sector, has earned a hallowed reputation across the Imperium. Situated within a stellar system nestled at the very nadir of the Scepter Run, Opal has forged its identity as a
The system is located as the crown jewel in the Glittering Tiara, a part of the Gemstone Reaches. Most notably, Aquaria is known for its unique geographical formation: it consists almost entirely of a tiny chain of islands near the equator. These
Span, without a doubt, is a genuine inferno, even by the standards of a prison world. At first glance, it may deceive with its outward beauty, as the jungles of Span rival even the most impenetrable jungles of Catachan. However, the torment
A mining world located in the Gemstone Reaches, Deepka is known for its valuable ore-rich deposits. The deepka pits, where the planet’s most precious resources are extracted, are also home to a unique alien species known as the deepkeese. These aliens possess
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