So what do you do if ADS goes crazy about the amount of unpainted figures she has, but in the next sentence talks about getting rid of these badly painted pre-used Banshees she owns? You are not too speechless, all in all
How so? Exactly. The battle cry of my Night Lords. And why? Because: Did you find them? The crate of oranges next to the gunner’s hatch? Even Chaos Space Marines need to snack on healthy vitamins now and then. DEUTSCH: Wie bitte?
So, here it is, finally finished – my Autarch. I remodelled him from a Magnificent Egos miniature because I liked the wings so much that I really wanted to have them. I remodelled the left hand because I thought the fingers were
Yay, I’m the proud owner of a Drop Pod! Since the day it was released… TWA kindly primed it for me (at my request in the Sprues), and last night I started deburring and assembling parts. As always, I will of course
Yup, the Eldar baby counter is now ready for use, the base is finished, the baby is now lying on a green snuggly blanket, securely glued down. I also modelled the blanket from Green Stuff, spread it out very thinly, cut it
Well, actually that’s not true, it took me 60 minutes. But yes, if I hadn’t chatted as much as I did, I might have been even faster. We are looking here at my quick terrain I whipped up for our latest game
Am Samstag hab ich einfach mal eben so eines unserer beiden Wraithships bemalt, ja genau, die beiden furchtbar bunten kleinen Plastikdinger aus der allerersten Battlefleet Gothic Box aus den späten 80ern (Spacefleet hieß das Spiel damals noch). Da brachen schon mehrfach die
Letztens habe ich mich ja mit meinem übergroßen Thunderhawk Gunship schon in den Modellbau-Bereich gewagt prust, und nun, nachdem TWA am letzten Samstag, inspiriert durch das FireWarrior Intro, das geflügelte Wort vom “brennenden Taubaby Counter” geprägt hat, hat es mich gerissen, und
So, on we go with the little warlock. Now a little colour is slowly coming onto the skin. At first sight it looks like a little too much colour… But that’s the basic tone first, then the lighter tones are added, so
So with the big thumb on it, and also crooked (been)…. But to be honest, I don’t really care right now, and I don’t have the nerve to make another one, I have better things to do, namely: packing. But now, quickly,
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