136th amalganized Ogryn Battleforce / Truppbeschreibung

Attached to the 21 Aquaria this unit is a Ogryn Support Unit made from two older ones: The first group is the 71st Rinturia Volunteers. The Planet Rinturia, long out of the embracing protection of the Imperium, went feral thousands of years

Rausina 12: Fight the Immortal / Kampf mit der Unsterblich?

Magnetic wave radio message received by the frigate BLUTSTROPFEN in the last 5 minutes: BEGINNING: Request astropathic relay to Lucius STOP With the Thunderhawk on the way back STOP Request immediate boarding STOP Brothers recovered, Eldargeisel in custody STOP Indication of threat

Rausina 11: Rescuing the Battlebrothers / Rettung der Ordensbrüder

Audio diary of Captain Cato, 7th Company, Blood Angels Chapter, Expeditionary Force Rausina.Our Auspex reports two anomalies:First, a convoy of human vehicles is nearby, moving in the direction of my main force.Scouts sent ahead confirm it: behind one of the chimeras, Space

Rausina 11: Almost hopeless…? / Fast aussichtslos…?

Tomorrow the captured Blood Angels are to be transferred from Obrionte to the orbital port, and Fitheak is determined to use this opportunity to free their three lost companions. The Eldar cannot and will not provide many fighters for this action, and

Rausina 10: 40 Minutes of Action / 40 Minuten in Aktion!

After Action Report of Captain Cato of the Blood Angels to Inquisitor Lucius The drop to the planet Rausina went well. I chose to land the company into the green belt of this frosty world. We prepared ourselves for immediate action against

The Situation of Tau on Ma’shiar’ris / Zur Lage auf Ma’shiar’ris (Rausina)

Beginning of the record Development on Ma’shiar’ris It fills me with great sadness to learn of Tal’re’s death. He was one of our best navigators and a good friend. Regarding the events on Ma’shiar’ris: After the first heavy battles, we supported the