Another History Lesson (or two) / Noch ein oder zwei Geschichtsstunden

Returning the four Marines to their chapter, the wounded Fitheak ends up stranded on Baal. When the infamous Inquisitor Bertolli gets too nosy around the Blood Angel’s Fortress Monastery, Commander Dante charges Brother-Sergeant Azrael to see that the Inquisitor will not stumble

Gefangen im Transit / Caught in Transit (Interludium Rausina 12/13)

Here we find ourselves in the Blood Angel’s Thunderhawk gunship, ferrying from the DROP OF BLOOD to the SWORDMAIDEN after narrowly escaping the bombardment by the Immortal’s guns: Azrael studied the Eldar’s face. A smear of blood graced her upper lip and she

Rausina 12-2: Das Chaos kommt / Chaos is coming

Kombiniertes A/V/S Tagebuch des Großinquisitor. Aufgezeichnet und kompiliert von seinem Servitor-Savant Petrononius “Danke BLUTSTROPFEN wir übernehmen jetzt.” Der Capitän der Schwertmaid beendet die Voxübertragung. “Lord, das Thunderhawk wird bald in den Hangar 2 einfliegen, was soll geschehen?” fragte er den anwesenden Mann

Rausina 12-1: Flucht von Rausina / Escape from Rausina

Am Rande des Rausina Systems: Zeitstempel x200.4.453 Zeitstempel x200.5.765 Zeitstempel x200.5.778 Energieanalysator überlädt, NOTABSCHALTUNG! Bringen Sie uns NÄHER! Zeitstempel x200.5.779 Zeitstempel x200.5.802 Zeitstempel x200.5.803 Zeitstempel x200.5.804 Zeitstempel x200.5.805 Commlink öffnen! Zeitstempel x200.5.807 Übertragungscode INQUIS MAIOR XXI Segmentum Ultima Maximalis UNSTERBLICH! Stoppen Sie

One week of withdrawal? or: Rausina 12 and 13 / Eine Woche Entzug? oder: Rausina 12 und 13

Phew, what a weekend! Hardly any sleep, because we were never in bed before 0100 (rather always around 0400…). And why? Because we made HISTORY, at least in our Rausina campaign. It all started quite harmlessly with a space battle (we wanted

Fitheak’s tainted Witchblade / Die verseuchte Hexenklinge

Made of shimmering blue Wraithcrystal, the elegant and powerful sword was originally part of Fitheak Battleseer’s equipment provided for her by ‘her’ shrine, that of the Swooping Hawks. From the beginning, the young Battleseer’s Gift and the psychically reactive blade were a good

Rausina 12: Desperate Measures / Verzweifelte Maßnahmen

“Fitheak Autarch is aboard that little human vessel. Why would that be?” A cleanly defined eyebrow rises in surprise on a high eldar forehead. “I cannot offer any valid explanation without great potential error, but in addition it does seem as if that

Rausina 11: Rescuing the Battlebrothers / Rettung der Ordensbrüder

Audio diary of Captain Cato, 7th Company, Blood Angels Chapter, Expeditionary Force Rausina.Our Auspex reports two anomalies:First, a convoy of human vehicles is nearby, moving in the direction of my main force.Scouts sent ahead confirm it: behind one of the chimeras, Space