The Divination Board / Das Wahrsagebrett

Lucius’s voice silently and gently called out to his savant servitor, Pretononius. The gentle clacking of the men-machine’s innards echoed throughout the small sanctum, which the High Inquisitor used as his private office. Pretononius was an ancient creation, with his mechanical parts

Rausina 18: Spyfly Transmission / Spionagfliegenübetragung

unencrypted pict transmission from inquistorial spyfly 23343355443LVC pict1 depicting a suspected artifact side, northeast of the greenbelt; improvised defences by combined tau/eldar xeno forces; defences look makeshift and built in a hurry pict2 depicting an assault by suspected “word bearer” space marines;

Rausina 18 aftermath: Chaos thwarted, but Khornes Glory waits. / Rausina 18 Nachwehen: Chaos vereitelt, aber Khornes Ruhm wartet.

As I kneel before you, my master, the mighty crimson glory of the sacred Bloodletters chosen, I confess to defiling our sacred purpose by failing to capture the eastern activation runes. I humbly request to be put to death, allowing my life’s

Rausina 17>18: Obituary / Nachruf

Somewhat disoriented, Azrael awoke. Above him he saw the pearlescent surface of an eldar habitent shimmering gently. Tiny sounds told him at least three of his brothers were asleep near him, and people were moving about outside, their sounds muffled. Experimentally, he

Rausina 17: Aftermath / Nachwirkungen

Ignoring the pain, Azrael gathered himself up and limped over to where the Autarch had sunken down. The last of the eldar warriors that had been with them in the Wave Serpent and fought at Fitheak’s side to the end was with her.

Rausina 14: Growing Suspicions / Zunehmende Verdachtsmomente

Saeffen began to run when she heard the alarm go off. This was exactly what she had been dreading all along since Lucius had sent her off to chaperone their mysterious Eldar visitor back to her people on Rausina. They were allegedly

Gefangen im Transit / Caught in Transit (Interludium Rausina 12/13)

Here we find ourselves in the Blood Angel’s Thunderhawk gunship, ferrying from the DROP OF BLOOD to the SWORDMAIDEN after narrowly escaping the bombardment by the Immortal’s guns: Azrael studied the Eldar’s face. A smear of blood graced her upper lip and she

Rausina 12-2: Das Chaos kommt / Chaos is coming

Kombiniertes A/V/S Tagebuch des Großinquisitor. Aufgezeichnet und kompiliert von seinem Servitor-Savant Petrononius “Danke BLUTSTROPFEN wir übernehmen jetzt.” Der Capitän der Schwertmaid beendet die Voxübertragung. “Lord, das Thunderhawk wird bald in den Hangar 2 einfliegen, was soll geschehen?” fragte er den anwesenden Mann

Rausina 12-1: Flucht von Rausina / Escape from Rausina

Am Rande des Rausina Systems: Zeitstempel x200.4.453 Zeitstempel x200.5.765 Zeitstempel x200.5.778 Energieanalysator überlädt, NOTABSCHALTUNG! Bringen Sie uns NÄHER! Zeitstempel x200.5.779 Zeitstempel x200.5.802 Zeitstempel x200.5.803 Zeitstempel x200.5.804 Zeitstempel x200.5.805 Commlink öffnen! Zeitstempel x200.5.807 Übertragungscode INQUIS MAIOR XXI Segmentum Ultima Maximalis UNSTERBLICH! Stoppen Sie

One week of withdrawal? or: Rausina 12 and 13 / Eine Woche Entzug? oder: Rausina 12 und 13

Phew, what a weekend! Hardly any sleep, because we were never in bed before 0100 (rather always around 0400…). And why? Because we made HISTORY, at least in our Rausina campaign. It all started quite harmlessly with a space battle (we wanted