Rausina 2: Tau Escape Pod / Die Tau-Xeno Rettungskapsel
Aus imperialersicht die zweite große Schlacht der Rausina Kampagne
The 40K Grim Darkness of the Far Future in the Gemstone Reaches
Aus imperialersicht die zweite große Schlacht der Rausina Kampagne
Most famous Planet in the Gemstone Reaches.
The young lieutenant, who came from an old Aquarian noble family, often thought, “Why does the God-Emperor test me so much? All I want is to do my duty well!” Norusin was a classic career officer from one of the traditional officer
Gefangennahme der Eldar und ihrer verräterischen Spacemarines im Zuge der dritten Rausina Kampagnenmission
Direct astropathic transmission from the UNSTERBLICH Dear Warmaster deLancet! The detour to Rausina you granted me found a terrific follow-up to the brilliant opener! Without much ado, merciless as my boys are, they were hardly to be restrained! After our scouts sighted
A proud fleet action ???
Inquisitor Lucius erinnert sich an seine Jugend
Inquisitor Lucius erinnert sich an den Kampf mit einem Dämon
The Tau had been ruling over the cities of the xxx shore for several years now. Their reign was fair and filled with developments that led to the greater good. The Air Caste hoped to gradually win over all the people of