Urgent message from the Adept Micro Nonshinus, Machine Seer. *************** Oh, my excitement is hard to contain. In the name of the gear spirit’ power shifter! The Omnisiah has sent us a sign. Here, amidst the icy wastes of this inhospitable celestial
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Doro and I went to the ConflictX in Berlin. The venue was the Meilenwerk, a guarded luxury garage for classic cars with workshops and a bar. We took part in the rather short Apocalypse battle there, but it was cut short after
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The little one is still sleeping after the long drive back last night, during which she was mostly awake. It’s OK, she can still go to kindergarten later, and in the meantime I have time to put things away and type. So
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The situation is developing extremely unfavourably, after the failure of Druihir Autarch, who was so badly injured in the attack of the Imperial humans during the negotiations with the Tau that we had to transport him back to Caer Diomasach, now our
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Kurz vor Rausina 7
Hurrrah! After a whole Nightlord army arrived a while ago (nice thing!), the long-awaited package from the States has finally arrived, with reinforcements for my Eldar. The unpacking was really exciting, and this is what was in the package: An Eldar Scorpion
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“Failure knows no excuse” or what was that…? Arrrrgh, the tournament is getting closer, and even though I will be happy if I haven’t lost ALL the games in the end, I had planned to go there with a cleanly painted army.
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Ein Verlust gegen die Tau, welche Schande für die Auserwählten des Kriegsherren!
This cell is not so different from the one on Baal. Hard sleeping places, no window. But very different from the one on Baal. Not a marine’s cell, a dungeon cell. We five daughter protectors are housed here. Locked up by the
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