In the dark future of the 43rd millenium…/In der dunklen Zukunft des 43rd Jahrtausend…

Line of Blood “Brother-chaplain, I have a question to ask, concerning a dream I had.” Gracefully the young marine sank to his knee in front of the sanguinary priest, bowing his head in respect. Even for an astartes he moved with remarkable

The Divination Board / Das Wahrsagebrett

Lucius’s voice silently and gently called out to his savant servitor, Pretononius. The gentle clacking of the men-machine’s innards echoed throughout the small sanctum, which the High Inquisitor used as his private office. Pretononius was an ancient creation, with his mechanical parts

Rausina 18: Spyfly Transmission / Spionagfliegenübetragung

unencrypted pict transmission from inquistorial spyfly 23343355443LVC pict1 depicting a suspected artifact side, northeast of the greenbelt; improvised defences by combined tau/eldar xeno forces; defences look makeshift and built in a hurry pict2 depicting an assault by suspected “word bearer” space marines;

Rausina 18 aftermath: Chaos thwarted, but Khornes Glory waits. / Rausina 18 Nachwehen: Chaos vereitelt, aber Khornes Ruhm wartet.

As I kneel before you, my master, the mighty crimson glory of the sacred Bloodletters chosen, I confess to defiling our sacred purpose by failing to capture the eastern activation runes. I humbly request to be put to death, allowing my life’s