Fitheak Battleseer Ten years – you have to let that melt on your tongue. Ten years I’ve been painting this figure, every now and then, and then not, if I didn’t feel like it or if I didn’t feel in good enough
The little one is still sleeping after the long drive back last night, during which she was mostly awake. It’s OK, she can still go to kindergarten later, and in the meantime I have time to put things away and type. So
The situation is developing extremely unfavourably, after the failure of Druihir Autarch, who was so badly injured in the attack of the Imperial humans during the negotiations with the Tau that we had to transport him back to Caer Diomasach, now our
Hurrrah! After a whole Nightlord army arrived a while ago (nice thing!), the long-awaited package from the States has finally arrived, with reinforcements for my Eldar. The unpacking was really exciting, and this is what was in the package: An Eldar Scorpion
“Failure knows no excuse” or what was that…? Arrrrgh, the tournament is getting closer, and even though I will be happy if I haven’t lost ALL the games in the end, I had planned to go there with a cleanly painted army.
Out of an entire unit of Blood Angels stationed in a building, only four marines miraculously survived its bombardment and subsequent collapse, thanks to the intervention of the Eldar battleseer, Fitheak, who was present in the same room and ended up buried
7124815.M41, addendum: Judging from what I saw of our captors, they are undoubtedly members of the Emperor’s own forces, a regiment of the Imperial Guard from Aquaria, no less! This is the homeworld of Brother Ambrosius, with whom I had the honor
Dear parents, Yesterday it was again high time. I am barracked here in Obrionte in the Administratum, and then came the incredible news that the Eldar (and supposedly also the Tau, or only the Tau, nothing more precise is heard) would actually
7124815.M41 Rausina 5 Epilog: Latest Entry in Brother Ezekiel’s diarium: 7124815.M41 I really did not dare to hope, not even when those Eldar sprung us from the cells, and indeed only a few of us have escaped from captivity alive and (mostly)
The situation was extremely delicate when the sirens went off in the Imperial building. The Eldar specialists and the five rescued Space Marines had no time to lose. The Rune Prophet’s visions had led them directly to the cells with the prisoners,
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