My first Tournament / Mein erstes Turnier: DaConflict XII
Turnierbericht zum DaConflict XII
The 40K Grim Darkness of the Far Future in the Gemstone Reaches
Turnierbericht zum DaConflict XII
Urgent message from the Adept Micro Nonshinus, Machine Seer. *************** Oh, my excitement is hard to contain. In the name of the gear spirit’ power shifter! The Omnisiah has sent us a sign. Here, amidst the icy wastes of this inhospitable celestial
Doro and I went to the ConflictX in Berlin. The venue was the Meilenwerk, a guarded luxury garage for classic cars with workshops and a bar. We took part in the rather short Apocalypse battle there, but it was cut short after
Ein Verlust gegen die Tau, welche Schande für die Auserwählten des Kriegsherren!
This cell is not so different from the one on Baal. Hard sleeping places, no window. But very different from the one on Baal. Not a marine’s cell, a dungeon cell. We five daughter protectors are housed here. Locked up by the
Die versuchte Befreiung der gefangenen Xenos!
Geschichte eine verschollenen Tochter von Adel
For centuries, the Ebon Chalice was lost. A proud Eldar artifact from the times before the fall, the Sisters from the Order of the same name protected it, bestowed upon them through a series of strange occurrences. These events were predicted both
Dear Lords of Mars, I hardly dare as a simple tech priest to send you most noble lords this message, but it is of the utmost importance. I serve on Rausina in the regiment of the Aquarians. Our mission is to bring
Ist es dies wonach die Xenos streben?