The Situation of Tau on Ma’shiar’ris / Zur Lage auf Ma’shiar’ris (Rausina)

Beginning of the record Development on Ma’shiar’ris It fills me with great sadness to learn of Tal’re’s death. He was one of our best navigators and a good friend. Regarding the events on Ma’shiar’ris: After the first heavy battles, we supported the

Rausina 9: Terror Attack on the Tau / Terror Angriff auf die Tau

********************** Audio recording of the diary of interim captain Rottcur ********************** The last brothers left on the planet I have gathered around me. We will scatter and operate individually. We will carry fear to our enemies. No one shall be able to

Rausina 5: Another Letter Home / Noch ein Brief nach Hause

Dear parents, Yesterday it was again high time. I am barracked here in Obrionte in the Administratum, and then came the incredible news that the Eldar (and supposedly also the Tau, or only the Tau, nothing more precise is heard) would actually

Rausina 5 Epilog: Latest Entry in Brother Ezekiel’s diarium / Neuster Eintrag in Bruder Ezekiels Tagebuch

7124815.M41 Rausina 5 Epilog: Latest Entry in Brother Ezekiel’s diarium: 7124815.M41 I really did not dare to hope, not even when those Eldar sprung us from the cells, and indeed only a few of us have escaped from captivity alive and (mostly)