Between Rausina 13 and 14 where Lucius is heading / Zwischen Rausina 13 und 14, wo Lucius unterwegs ist.

The beaten-up strike cruiser had limped through the warp for far too long. The Geller field of the stricken ship was fundamentally sound, but it had still allowed warp creatures to breach it on two occasions. These nuisances were easily dispatched, but

The next Generation: Helena Balfour / Charakterporträt

Young, gauntly attractive Helena is the late inquisitor Lucius’ adopted daughter, and is alledgedly named after the ship on which she was born and later picked up by the inquisitor. Rumour has it (although usually it never did in the presence of

In the dark future of the 43rd millenium…/In der dunklen Zukunft des 43rd Jahrtausend…

Line of Blood “Brother-chaplain, I have a question to ask, concerning a dream I had.” Gracefully the young marine sank to his knee in front of the sanguinary priest, bowing his head in respect. Even for an astartes he moved with remarkable

Rausina 17>18: Obituary / Nachruf

Somewhat disoriented, Azrael awoke. Above him he saw the pearlescent surface of an eldar habitent shimmering gently. Tiny sounds told him at least three of his brothers were asleep near him, and people were moving about outside, their sounds muffled. Experimentally, he

Rausina 17: Aftermath / Nachwirkungen

Ignoring the pain, Azrael gathered himself up and limped over to where the Autarch had sunken down. The last of the eldar warriors that had been with them in the Wave Serpent and fought at Fitheak’s side to the end was with her.